Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Simplicity Swap

I read the Scent of Water blog every single day and every single day, I fall more in love with Megan's simplicity, writing and style.

So when she suggested a photography swap based on the idea of Simplicity, I leapt at the opportunity and quickly signed up. Then I became stymied as to what Simplicity would look like in a photo. I wasn't sure how I could capture the emotion. I prayed for snow but when it didn't appear, I took myself (with Scott) down for a walk along the canal in Fremont. It is a place where I feel life is simple, where simplicity bangs on my door and invites me in and so this is where I took my photo for the simplicity swap.

Simplicity Mosaic

Then I went home and I made it all complicated again by messing with the image in photoshop and adjusting the contrast, etc. After looking at the image again, I decided to mail out my original image (on the left) but I kept the processed one (on the right) too because even in it's complexity, it still tells me that it is simple.

Also last night I got a swift. I am out of control with the winding but oh is it ever soothing! The cat is also vastly interested in the contraption and tried to play with it last night. He was not amused when I put it away.

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