Friday, January 15, 2016

Whole30 Week 2 Update (+barre3 Challenge)

10on10 Meal Prep

This was a good and bad week. Good in that I ate pretty well, thanks to my stellar prep session on Sunday. Bad in that getting in enough barre3 classes was a struggle. I skipped class on Sunday due to my 14 hour travel day on Saturday. Monday, I got into the studio for a great class (and Maggie rocked childcare) and Tuesday, I woke up early and did an online workout. Wednesday, I wasn't feeling so hot so I promised that I'd workout on Thursday which lead to me promising to workout on Friday which didn't happen. I did go to a studio class today which was awesome as usual and will be attending another one tomorrow. Luckily for me, the barre3 challenge goes from Monday to Sunday so I'll be eeking in with my 4 workouts.  I'm looking forward to getting 5 in next week since Scott will be in town and won't be messing with my early morning schedule. 


I had some great meals this week.  Alice Currah posted this awesome Thai Curry Soup recipe with veggies instead of noodles on Facebook this week and I literally ran to the store for the ingredients. It was so good! 


I also made some barre3 chocolate truffles to have on hand for snack attacks and they were so helpful on Tuesday night when we arrived home late from swim and I was starving! I popped one of these in my mouth and it kept me going long enough to make a delicious dinner. I'm halfway through this journey and while there have been many times I've wanted to quit, I haven't. I have already learned that most of my issues with eating good food is 1) time and not prepping in advance (salads in jars have been a lifesaver this week!) and 2) eating due to boredom or wanting a treat. I can solve those issues. 

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