Monday, September 12, 2016

Montly Goal Check-In (August)


August flew by in the blink of an eye! It was hot and fun and over before I knew it! 

1.  Workout 4 times a week - I was a workout machine in August and worked out 5-6 times a week. I'm finding that I am grouchy if I don't enough movement in my week! I'm going to count this goal as done. 

2. Complete Whole30 in January 

3. Keep purging the house with the Bowl Full of Lemons 14 Week Plan - Now that both kids are in school, I've started this over. The car is first! 

4. Complete Four (4) Day in the Life Challenges and participate in at least ten 10 on 10's - I took a class on Documentary Photography this month and did two DiTL challenges - a mobile one with my iPhone and one with my D750. They were both great! I also did a 10 on 10 in August too. 

5. Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I barely worked on this goal but I have grand plans. 

6. Grow a kick-ass Garden! 

7. Read for 15 minutes a day- I'll be publishing my August book report later this week but I finished the SPL Summer Book Bingo with a blackout board! Literally I was reading up until the last minute. I'm up to over 45 books this year and I have a huge stack of books I want to read. 

8. Volunteer with two organizations and include the girls.

9. Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - yeah, I really need to get going on this goal. 

10. Get back to Blogging on a more regular basis and focus more on my writing 


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